A brand extends beyond a company’s product or service, and gives your business an identity. It gives consumers something to relate to and connect with. It communicates who you are in all aspects of your advertising and coordinates with your marketing. Brand development seeks to indentify your audience, can create a value proposition, shows your personality and uniqueness, and incorporates consistency across all available channels.

Claire Murray, Inc needed assistance in developing a fragrance line for the First Ladies of the US, to be used as a fundraiser for the Botanical Gardens in Washington DC. The national flower was chosen for the fragrance and we developed an icon for all of the promotions and packaging. Debbie Ryan painted this rose in watercolor. This example is from a gift box with embossed eyelet and raised pearl design.

We developed a logo and packaging for an entire fragrance collection; a cameo soap of the nation's first, First Lady, Martha Washington, lotion labels, potpourri, and fragranced drawer liners in beautiful boxes. We also designed and produced a Daily Reminder notebook. We then designed a container for all the prototype items to be presented to the seven first ladies still living at that time, at a gala fundraising dinner.

Your logo is the most important image in communicating your brand and should reflect who you are at a glance. The uniqueness of your business should come through making you stand out from the others. As an illustrator, I use different artistic media to reflect the personality of your business! Your logo may or may not include a tagline. The goal is a compelling professional image.
Moriah Design Agency provides all the collateral material you need, to present your business to the world, both in print and online. You will be provided with the color palettes and digital designs for your business stationary, business cards and any other formats where you need to use your logo. Displayed here are some of the logos created by Deb Ryan.

Drew LaPerle is a high end custom builder specializing in woodwork. He wanted a logo that would be effective on his black vehicles. A finishing hammer and a contemporary style home were chosen to represent his work.

Brand Talk Marketing is a web-based marketing firm focusing on brand reputation and social networking. Their goal is to create a permanent impression of your brand. Clients are women entrepreneurs and new start-up businesses.

Berlin Housing Authority's logo to reflects it's recognizable building style, softened by landscaping to suggest the inviting surrounding green space, and a path to welcome the viewer. Brown and green was used for the color palette since Berlin is known as the City that Trees Built.

Great Gully Lodge was positioned for the best view of the Great Gully on Mt. Washington. This logo was developed from a signature photo, representing the best features of the lodge. The rendering was done in colored pencil, to reflect the rustic appearance and natural wood construction of the lodge.

The Gorham Moose Tours logo emphasises Moose as they are very popular with visitors, drawing tourists from all over the northern region of NH to visit Gorham. The magestic bull moose with a full rack in a rural setting is the focal point.

Northern Forest Heritage Park is a recreation of a logging camp and museum along the banks of the Androscoggin River. Pen and ink was the medium chosen to have the look of a woodcut, and the font reflects the historical aspects of the park.

Gorham Parks and Recreation Department needed a logo and tagline to promote their summer programs. They offer a variety of sports and events, some centering around the Libby Pool Recreation Area. Generic figures of kids playing with a view of Libby Pool as the setting was chosen.

The Limitless Playground logo was commissioned but donated to the Gorham Parks and Recreation Department in support of their new playground on the common. The playground was designed to offer physically challenged kids a place to play with the other kids unhindered by their disabilities.