Do you love to create beautiful things? As a professional artist I can help you since I have had many years of experience as a graphic artist, portrait painter and teacher of art. I have worked in many different mediums and taught both children and adults. I will work with you to maximize your own personal creativity and develop your talent.
Sessions for one to four people take place at Moriah Design Agency's office/studio, Rt. 2 in Shelburne, NH. Larger groups may be accommodated at other nearby locations with advance notice.
Home schooling is adapted to the childs age and abilities, and may be conducted at my studio in Shelburne, NH, in your home or at another location. Please call Deb for a consultation. 603-466-2363
Kids under 12
These classes are one hour long and tend to include some fun crafts interspersed with learning projects.
$25 per person including supplies.
Kids 12-18
Older kids can learn basic drawing and painting skills, including elements and principles of design, the color wheel and the different color properties. This is highly customized depending on the level of art education the child has had in the past.
These can be one or two hours starting at $25.

Adults and Kids
If you prefer to have private instruction and learn to do a painting step by step, this is for you. Choose any of the paintings you see on this website: moriahpaintparties.com Up to 3 people may be accommodated in my office/studio.
Sessions are approximately 2 1/2 hours. $40 per person includes all supplies.
Beginners learn the basics of drawing, adult classes include the elements and principles of design. This provides a good foundation for those interested in painting.
Kids 12 and under - One Hour Sessions - $25 each or Five One Hour Sessions for $110 ppd
Adults - Two Hour Sessions $40 ea. or Five Two Hour Sessions - $185 prepaid
Sessions take place once a week and do not have to be consecutive
Addresses specific needs of the student where improved skills or knowledge is required.
Requires a sketchbook a set of drawing pencils, ruler and eraser.
Kids $125 prepaid. Adults $175 prepaid.

Acrylic, Oil or Oil Pastel
Kids and Adults - Two Hour Sessions - $45 each
Adults - Five Two Hour Sessions - $210 prepaid
Sessions take place once a week and do not have to be consecutive
Learn the color wheel, and how to blend colors. The goal is to create a painting at the end of 5 weeks. Gives step by step demonstration for the student to follow. Supplies included.
For those who wish to create their own painting from the subject of their choosing. Guidance is given according to the needs of the student. Easels are provided and a list of supplies for you to bring, based on your project.
Pencil or Oil Pastel
Adults - Five Two Hour Sessions - $210 ppd
Sessions take place once a week and do not have to be consecutive
Create a lasting memory of your favorite person or pet in black and white or color. Intermediate drawing skills are recommended. This class will explore the basics of drawing the human head and how to judge space and proportion when drawing an animal. Easelsare provided. You will be provided with a list of supplies to bring.